[Salon] 2019 Oral History Interview with Noam Chomsky

Here is an updated Noam Chomsky oral history interview Youtube video that I’d previously shared. “Updated” in that it was “adopted" by Roger Waters for his Youtube and Facebook page, with him putting a track on from "The Wall" at the opening. The Producer of this interview video, the Project for the Study of American Militarism (PSAM, me, with a number of “Advisors,” the people I’ve done the interviews with) was unable to include opening tracks of “Vera” as a soundtrack at the beginning as it was rejected for uploading by YouTube as a “copyright violation” (can you believe that?). But no problem for Roger Waters adding The Wall track to it, so thanks to Roger Waters for that! Remarkably, with it as a Roger Waters video, it had over 7000 views as of a few weeks ago, and the PSAM video only had 156! And Roger had orders of magnitude more subscribers. Imagine that!
Perhaps Roger Waters will “adopt" Bill Polk’s “Only 60 Million” video for posting on his page, if he’s “listening." Which does include a song of his, "Two Suns in the Sunset” in the beginning and end; the perfect “soundtrack” to our zeal for rushing to nuclear armageddon. Which Roger has publicly said “Only 60 Million!” was “a very important document,” in a webinar he was on, at about the 9:00 minute mark when he discusses Bill Polk: https://worldbeyondwar.org/roger-waters-on-war-peace-and-music/  (Which I share despite my embarrassment for the ineptness and over-earnestness of one of the speakers on this, but will learn from it if the occasion should ever arise again, and modulate my volume. And I admit I am over-earnest the few opportunities I get to speak of the “current crisis” of potential nuclear cataclysm we’re in, as against the collective American Imperial mindset we have, as Chalmers Johnson and others warned us of. With the “Right” always Leading the Charge!) 

So the next project of the Project for the Study of American Militarism, as already begun, being the “deconstructing” of the ideology (political theory) of, and the New Right “Cognitive Operation” of TAC, and sometimes QI, to portray “New Right hyper-Militarist Republicans,” like Warren Davidson, Chip Roy, Matt Gaetz, and  Dan Bishop, of being for “peace,” in their partisan criticism of Biden for having no stated “strategy” against Russia. And their simply criticizing the war against Russia, as begun in Ukraine, for its lack of “fiscal accountability” which they and their fellow Republican Militarists enable every day with their even greater military budgets than the Democrats ever propose (not to defend that). While these war fanatics, in actuality (JFGI), are amongst the most zealous “China Warhawks” in Congress, and continuously demand more US taxpayer money for weaponry and China focused war preparations (see USMC Commandant Berger's escalating that under Trump) go for the China War they’re planning, and “psychologically conditioning" the American public for! Always presented by the "Right” as “Conservative Peaceniks,” as is Trump and DeSantis, an outright and blatant “contradiction of terms” historically, and currently! Meaning “Big Lie!” 

But would love to see this on Roger’s YT and FB pages :-) If I could get more than 150 views, I might be motivated to edit more of the oral history interviews I already have, and do a few more. Such as with Richard Falk, and Chas Freeman :-) With Roger perhaps in discussion with them?

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